How CryoPort Shipping Works

AmericaOne’s global strategic business partnership with allows us to provide the highest level, white-glove global shipping solution.

Chain of Compliance White Paper | Cryoport

Chain of Condition, and Chain of Identity. ISO 21973 extends the chain by focusing on the complete traceability of the equipment, processes, and logistics used in managing the environmental control of the therapy while it is in transit. This extended “Chain of Compliance®” provides complete traceability, control and oversight of the entire transportation process and is crucial for viable scalability.

Stem Cell Shipping | CryoPort Global Shipping

Cryoportal Reports

Shipper Certification Reports and Data Logger Reports are accessories generated from the Cryoportal®. The Shipper Certification Report provides details specific to each  shipment including order information, shipper and accessory serial numbers, shipper statistics, shipper preparation, and SmartPak II®,information. The Data Logger Report documents internal and external temperature during transport.

The Shipper Certification and Data Logger Reports are available to clients for their records, trial files, and QA purposes

De-risking the Regenerative Medicine Supply Chain: Managing ISO 21973 Through Chain of Compliance® & Cryosphere™ (

Shipment Email Notifications: The Cryoportal will send automated emails to the selected recipients for up to 8 separate events.

Cord Blood Providers