Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC)

Mesenchymal stem cells are currently being studied on their efficacy with inflammation modulatory response and how they release various growth factors as well as how they supplement various connective tissue repair needs. MSC therapies have NOT been FDA-approved for treatment yet, but they have been approved for treatment in the European Union, Canada, and Australia and there are more than 300 major MSC clinical trials underway worldwide focusing on a wide range of medical conditions, including:

Cord Blood Providers

Additional Indication Areas Currently Being Studied but Not Approved by the (USA FDA)


AmericaOne Cell Therapy is not promising a particular outcome or making ANY claims. The USA FDA considers stem cell therapy experimental. Results vary.

Stem cell therapies have enormous promise, but the science in each use is still in the developmental stage. Professional licensed medical judgment and expertise is needed in using stem cells for any therapeutic use, and we urge anyone embarking on the use of stem cell therapies to consult the national health data bases to evaluate current information from clinical trials and the FDA websites on human tissue should also be consulted to get its current evaluation of any therapy.